Legislative Memos
2008 Legislative Agenda
The primary goal of the Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc. (IPPNY) is to promote fair, fully competitive electric markets in New York State.
In furtherance of this goal, IPPNY supports the following:
- Fair competition among wholesale and retail suppliers of electricity;
- Fair competition among generators and all electric resource alternatives, including renewable, fossil-fueled, nuclear, and conservation technologies;
- Regulatory certainty that enables power generators to plan for the future and finance new electric generating facilities;
- The continuation of previously enacted tax relief, including preserving and enhancing Empire Zone benefits and eliminating the GRT;
- Fair property tax treatment of New York generating facilities;
- Reauthorization of a power plant siting process that enables facilities to be built;
- The development of safe, secure, reliable and diverse supplies of energy;
- The development of a viable marketplace for emission credit trading;
- Ensuring that power allocated for economic development purposes is obtained from competitive markets;
- The use of System Benefit Charge (SBC) funding to inform the public about the importance of improving New York's energy system reliability and security, enabling fuel diversity, fostering competition, and meeting future energy needs; and
- The use of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative CO2 Allowance Auction proceeds for purposes such as renewable or non-carbon emitting technologies, innovative carbon emissions abatement technologies, and the development of carbon capture and sequestration technology.
IPPNY opposes the following:
- Any new or increased taxes, fees, or costs on energy producers or suppliers;
- Legislation that includes provisions detrimental to the development of more competitive electric power supply and natural gas supply;
- Legislation that impedes competition under restructured energy markets;
- Legislation that authorizes the take-over of energy facilities by eminent domain;
- Legislation proposing to lower power plant emission standards or to impose financial requirements that would economically disadvantage New York generators, as a result of the cumulative effect of environmental regulations and as they compete in regional and national markets;
- Legislation that would restrict emission credit trading;
- Legislation that mandates specific technologies for electric generating facilities; and
- Allocation of funds under the SBC or Renewable Portfolio Standard in a manner that jeopardizes contracts depending on these funds or that increases risk for investments by generators.
The Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc. (IPPNY) is a trade association representing over 80 companies involved in the development of generation, marketing and sale of electric power and natural gas in New York State. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and a wide variety of fuel types, IPPNY members produce approximately 75 percent of New York State's electric power.
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