Essential Innovation for Reliable Electricity Emphasized in NYISO Power Trends 2023
Albany, NY – The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) today released its annual “state of the grid” publication, Power Trends 2023: A Balanced Approach to a Reliable Grid. The report highlights the most important issues impacting reliability during the transition of the electric grid.
The Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc. (IPPNY) is the premier trade association dedicated to representing the largest fleet of clean energy generation in New York. IPPNY supports the findings of Power Trends and echoes the importance of maintaining a reliable grid throughout the clean energy transition as New York strives to achieve its climate goals.
IPPNY President and CEO Gavin J. Donohue said: “As electric demand continues to grow, maintaining reliability of our grid is paramount. New York must continue to lead on innovation to develop the new emission-free supply that will be needed to achieve our climate targets reliably, as laid out in the NYISO’s report. IPPNY supports this transition, and our members will continue to be key proponents in transforming New York to a cleaner and secure grid and in making those necessary investments. What is simultaneously important is training our workforce to maintain and build these new needed resources, which will spur further investment in our state.”
Power Trends also discusses many of New York’s climate policies, including the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which requires an economy-wide approach to addressing climate change and decarbonization. In an effort to achieve New York’s ambitious climate goals, Power Trends emphasizes the importance of new clean energy generation and transmission projects that will need to be developed in correlation with the replacement or retirement of existing fossil fuel generation.
Visit the Power Trends 2023 webpage to download additional materials:
IPPNY, established in 1986, is a premier trade association dedicated to the representation of the State’s electric generation fleet, which powers New York’s economy. IPPNY Members produce clean electricity generation in this state; our Members have been successfully awarded more than half of the renewable energy credit contract awards from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, are leading proponents of meeting the State’s energy goals, while maintaining reliability, and are operating the facilities and making investments in additional ones to achieve the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act’s targets. IPPNY Members also produce more than 75 percent of the State’s power from a multitude of fuel sources, such as: wind, solar, hydro, energy storage, natural gas, low sulfur oil, waste-to-energy, biomass, and nuclear. In combination, these resources maintain electric system reliability and “keep the lights on” for more than 19 million New Yorkers every day. Additionally, IPPNY’s Members have invested more than $10 billion in capital improvements at their facilities, employ over 10,000 people across the State, and pay approximately $1.7 billion in local property taxes annually. IPPNY does not represent investor-owned utilities or power authorities.