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Read and Laniado, LLP

The Firm is actively involved in matters before the New York Independent System Operator (“NYISO”), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), the New York State Office of Renewal Energy Siting, the New York State Public Service Commission, the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (the Siting Board), the Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal planning boards and state and federal courts.  The Firm represents a variety of market participants, including generating station, solar, wind and energy storage permitting, and transmission line developers, and provides services concerning environmental, financing, asset purchases and sales transactions, eminent domain and real property matters.  Read and Laniado has worked with and advised both lender’s and borrower’s counsel, as well as industrial development authority counsel, in financial transactions.  The Firm also has extensive experience with land use, zoning, and municipal laws relating to the provision of water, electricity, steam and natural gas.